
作者:Rakashi Chand(她/她的),高级图书馆助理

COVID-19大流行继续笼罩着我们生活的方方面面,远远超过了我们最初想象的程度,我们的耐心越来越少. 许多人想知道是否会回归“正常”。.

研究1918年流感大流行幸存者的日记, 很明显,在宣布进入公共卫生紧急状态以阻止流感的传播之后, 事情似乎安定下来了,日常生活又恢复了.

MHS的两个藏品展示了人们是如何管理的, survived, 并在1918年流感大流行期间和之后蓬勃发展:埃莉诺·沙姆韦日记, 1913-1918 and the Clara E. Currier diaries, 1918-1932. 在沙姆威和柯里尔的日记中,有一个惊人的共同点. 两位日记作者都记录到,1918年9月29日,“由于”或“因为”瘟疫,所有的事情都停止了.

The Eleanor Shumway diaries 由马萨诸塞州牛顿市的埃莉诺·沙姆韦保存的两本日记组成. 那时她才二十出头. 该系列于2020年10月获得. It accompanies the Eleanor Shumway scrapbook already held by the MHS, and the Eleanor Shumway photographs 从埃莉诺·沙姆韦剪贴簿上取下的. 日记中的条目主要描述了她的社会活动, lessons at Newton High School, sports and other recreation, 参加教堂和主日学, and family matters. Beginning 16 September 1918, 条目描述了沙姆韦在彼得本特布里格姆医院接受的护士培训.

book cover

从1914年到1917年,埃莉诺一直在写她的“每日一行”日记, 但在1918年,她就不那么始终如一了. 她的记录从1918年5月31日开始消失,直到9月16日埃莉诺记录:

“Mon. Entered P.B. Brigham Hospital. 玛德琳·温特沃斯和我一起住在威格尔斯沃斯街一所有趣的公寓里. 26 in our class. Very nice girls. 3 other girls on our floor.”

On 17 September she writes:

“Tues. 穿上制服,6点40分过来吃早餐,真是太愉快了. 书被分发出去了,我们得到了规章制度. 晚上,玛德琳、格特鲁德和我走上了帕克山.”



“Fri. 拿托盘,测量温度.”

28 September 1918:

“Sat. Carried trays for past [week? Hour] Got 1 O’Clock car home. 和妈妈和太太一起走在街上. Shute. In eve-ning wrote letters.”


“Sun. Slept late. No Church because of Epidemic. Went to dinner at Taylors. May & [–] & I went to walk in woods. Came back at 10 with Madeline.”

handwritten text, book

30 September 1918:

“Mon. Patient for bed [evaluating] in PM. Madeline and I went down town. Did errands & went for dinner at café de Paris. Walked home & studied in eve.”

1 October 1918:

“Tues. Cleaned House. Beat rugs. Patient for Bed [making/walking] P. M. 玛德琳和我走到柯立芝角. Got eats and walked back. [–] supper. Danced in evening.”

The days go on filled with studying, exams, walks to Coolidge corner, 晚餐,甚至去奥菲姆剧院. 1918年11月11日,埃莉诺写道:

“Mon. End of the War. Fighting stopped at 6AM. Everyone wild with Joy. Bells rang, whistles the all day. Went in town with Mad. Stayed un till 7. Then went home. [–] The town had a victory parade.”

Again, the entries continue with walks, dinners, and nursing exams, 直到12月12日埃莉诺写道:

“Fri. Wallace Seaward died of influenza..”

handwritten text, page of diary

After a few more diary entries, 主要是利记APP官网手机版埃莉诺的护理考试, Line-A-Day日记的最后一次记录是在1918年12月18日:

“Wed. Did lab work all day long. Dissected a frog in anatomy. In P. M> went down town to do errands. Didn’t accomplish much. Met Gerty & had a sundae at Baileys. Met [Stanley] May. Slept in Mary Ellen’s room.”


The Clara E. Currier diaries 由克拉拉E. Currier of Haverhill, Mass. (1918年7月1日至1919年12月31日,1925年1月1日至1926年3月31日,1928年1月1日至1932年. Brief entries describe her daily activities; social calls; letters written and received; 参加教堂和主日学; sewing, gardening, and canning; sightings of early airplanes; attendance at minstrel shows; events such as eclipses and earthquakes; her attack of measles in 1925; family matters; and the weather. 在1918年,柯里尔提到了流感的流行和第一次世界大战的结束. The Clara E. 柯里尔日记于2020年9月被收购.

Cover, Clara E. Currier diary 1918-1919

而大多数条目描述的是天气, daily activities, meeting friends and family, 并努力协助红十字会, 从9月开始,我们开始看到反映流感大流行对哈弗希尔影响的条目, Mass. 1918年9月22日,克拉拉写道:

“早上和晚上都去教堂.S. A pleasant autumn day. Ada called, went to the Y.W.C.A. 为患感冒的埃塞尔送上鲜花.”


“A beautiful day. No Church on account of Epidemic. 学校和剧院关闭一周. 走了一小会儿,拜访了爱丽丝B. Laisdall. Wrote to Elsie and Mary.”

handwritten text
Clara E. 柯瑞尔日记页,包括1918年9月29日的条目


“A dull day. Went down town on errands. Influenza still raging.”

十月和十一月的日子充满了钩针编织, dress making, 制作果酱和拜访朋友——有时在基诺扎基地医院做志愿者的时候拜访朋友, 当时是为流感患者设立的.


“A cold day. Awful tired and lame.”

8 December 1918:

“A dull day. Went to church in the a.m. and S.S. Am not feeling well. Wrote to Elsie and Mary.”

9 December 1918:

“A pleasant day. Don’t feel much better. Crocheted and knit a little.”

December 10, 1918:

“A beautiful winter day. Felling better but not very strong. Did a little sewing. Had a letter from Mary.”

handwritten text
Clara E. 柯瑞尔日记描述她的病情,1918年12月

克拉拉病好了,继续做罐头、缝纫和拜访朋友. 仅仅根据她生病的天数, 我们很可能会得出这样的结论:克拉拉感染了1918年的流感大流行,并战胜了它.

更多利记APP官网手机版1918年流感大流行的日记和信件的博客文章请参见  流感大流行后的100年|蜂巢(蜂群.org) and The Human Element in War & Disease: The Emerson P. Dibble Papers | Beehive (4499ku.com).

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